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Check Rank website

Kiểm tra PR (page rank) chính xác nhất cho website/blog

Check Page Rank of your Web site pages instantly:
This page rank checking tool is powered by PRChecker.info service

Cách tạo Profile cho Firefox

Việc tạo Profile cho Firefox là một việc rất quan trọng, nó giúp chúng ta 1 lúc có thể mở được nhiều trình duyệt firefox với các địa chỉ cookie khác nhau thuận lợi cho việc kiếm tiền online.Ví dụ như các bạn muốn fake ip bằng proxy hoặc ssh thì các bạn tạo ra các profile cho firefox với các địa chỉ port khác nhau.Sau đây mình xin hướng dẫn cho các bạn cách cấu hình để  tạo ra Profile trên firefox
Trước tiên máy tính của bạn cần phải cài đặt trình duyệt Firefox : tại đây. Sau khi tải về các bạn cài đặt như bình thường
B1: Sau khi cài đặt xong các bạn kích chuột phải vào biểu tượng Firefox trên màn hình rồi chọn Properties,  vào tab Shortcut ,Tại khung Target      bạn nhập thêm vào sau đó kí tự "-p" (có khoảng trắng ở giữa ).
Sau đó ấn chon OK.
B2: Kích chuột phải vào biểu tượng My computer trên màn hình và chọn Properties, chọn Advence system setting  rồi click vào Evironment Variables , một cửa sổ hiện ra bạn chọn vào New sau đó nhập vào như sau:
Value : 1
Sau đó chọn OK để kết thúc.
B3: Tạo các profile tùy thích

Bạn kích vào biểu tượng firefox một cửa sổ profile hiển ra như bên dưới
Bạn muốn tạo thêm profile thì ấn chọn Tạo hồ sơ rồi nhập tên profile mà bạn muốn tạo. Sau khi tạo xong bạn ấn chọn Khởi động Firefox để  vào cấu hình network cho firefox phù hợp với địa chỉ các port. Nếu như ta cấu hình cho ssh có port là 1080 thì trong firefox cũng sẽ là 1080.
Chúc bạn bạn thành công.Có gì thắc mắc cứ để lại comment phía dưới nhé !

Hướng dẫn cài đặt phần mềm Roboform trên Firefox

Roboform là 1 công cụ hữu ích cho mọi người, nhất là đối với anh em MMO trong việc đăng kí nhiều site cùng một lúc mà không cần phải thao tác nhiều.Chỉ cần 1 click là đã điển đầy đủ thông tin đăng kí site. Vì những lý do trên nên hôm nay mình viết bài này hướng dẫn cách cài đặt và sử dụng phần mềm hỗ trợ kiếm tiền Roboform. Download Roboform tại trang chủ: Tại đây
Sau khi download Roboform for windows về kích vào cài đặt
Các bạn không cần nhập gì hết rồi ấn Skip:
Chờ 1 lát để  quá trình cài đặt kết thúc.Sau khi kết thúc các bạn mở firefox lên làm như sau:
Để xóa bớt các mục của roboform trên thanh công cụ các kích vào Roboform chọn Customize  toolbar:
Chọn hết tất cả các mục trừ biểu tượng Roboform, ấn remove:
Để tạo 1 dự án các bạn vào Roboform rồi làm như hình dưới:
B1: nhập tên,số điện thoại,mail,năm sinh 
B2: Nhập địa chỉ
B3:Nhập tài khoản để đăng kí và password
Các mục khác các bạn không cần quan tâm, chỉ cần nhập vào các mục phía trên là được, sau đó ấn Save
Giả sử mở 1 site lên, các bạn chọn Register để đăng kí, ấn vào dự án bạn đã tạo sẽ thấy ngay kết quả
Muốn sửa thông tin trong dự án, các bạn ấn chọn edit rồi sửa lại thông tin bạn mong muốn
Và bây giờ các bạn hãy mở 1 site kiếm tiền lên và đăng kí đi nào. Chúc các bạn thành công !

Hướng dẫn viết code auto click bằng imacro

Imacro là 1 add on có sẵn trong firefox và các trình duyệt khác. Nó giúp chúng ta tạo ra được các thao tác click thay cho những click bằng tay. Hôm nay mình sẽ giới thiệu đến các bạn cách để tạo ra 1 code auto click bằng imacro đơn giản. Để làm được điều đó đầu tiên bạn cần phải tải imacro về cho trình duyệt của mình. Sau khi có, các bạn sẽ thực hiện theo các bước dưới đây:( các bạn có thể down code auto click acblike.com ở bài Kiếm tiền từ Like Facebook )
B1: Vào mục  My compute-> document-> Imacros->macro-> Demo-macro copy 1 file rồi paste  đổi lại tên trang cần auto
B2: Các bạn mở file ở dạng notepad để sữa đổi
B3: Chỉnh nội dung các file vơi site cần chạy 
+ Chỉnh file Like fanpage: file này cần chỉnh 1 chỗ đó là đường link
1.URL GOTO=http://likesaz.com/p.php?p=facebook (để lấy được link này các bạn vào trang like kích vào Like fanpage rồi copy đường link)-> Save
+ Chỉnh file Follower: file này có 2 chỗ cần chú ý
URL GOTO=http://likesaz.com/p.php?p=subcribers
Sau khi vào trang Facebook Follow các bạn để ý chỗ mình khoanh là chữ Follow hay chữ Theo dõi
Nếu như là Theo dõi thì tại chỗ mình in đậm đó là Theo dõi, giống như mình đăng.Còn nếu là Follow thì thay bằng Follow, nghĩa là:
                                           TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=TXT:Follow
Hàng ngày các bạn chỉ bật 2 cửa sổ Firefox để chạy 2 site 1 lúc, hết thì lại chạy site khác( chạy ít site 1 lúc để tránh facebook coi bạn là spam mà bắt xác nhận với khóa tài khoản 30 ngày).
NOTE: Trong IMACRO có chức năng RECORD ghi lại các thao tác click. Các bạn hãy sử dụng chức năng đó để có thể viết được nhiều code tự động click khác nhau.
Chúc các bạn thành công!

Kiếm tiền từ Like facebook

1- Tổng hợp những trang dùng để kiếm tiền và tăng like:
http://lajkovi.org    (2000 coins= 1$, min pay 1$)
http://likesaz.com (1900 coins=1$,min pay 3$)
http://like.banthatnhanh.com  (2000xu=1$, min pay 5$
http://getautolike.com (1700coins=1$, min pay 3$
http://likeviet.com.vn (1xu=10vnd,min pay 5000vnd qua Bảo Kim,Ngân Lượng)
https://abclike.com  (2200 xu=1$,min pay 2.5$)
http://kholike.com  (1500 xoins =1$,min pay 1$)
http://www.tiepnoi.com (20000coins=20000vnd, min pay 20000vnd)
(Những trang phía dưới chỉ dùng để tăng like,sub,view, nếu muốn rút tiền thì phải nâng cấp lên VIP )
Các bạn có thể dùng tool dùng để chạy auto các trang like này mà không cần phải click từng cái một:
Auto chỉ chạy trên trình duyệt firefox, do đó cần phải cài đặt iMacros cho firefox Tại đây
Còn đây là auto:
Auto acblike.com:  Download
Auto addmefast.com: Download
Auto likeaz.com: Download
2- Hướng dẫn sử dụng auto
B1: Trước tiên bạn phải đăng nhập vào tài khoản Facebook trên firefox( Nếu không thíc FB của bạn bị spam tường nhà thì các bạn nên tạo 1 hoặc nhiều tài khoản FB phụ phục vụ cho việc auto)
B2: Các bạn đăng nhập vào các trang like, ví dụ https://abclike.com chẳng hạn(nên để chế độ lưu mật khẩu)
B3: Sau khi tải các plugin auto về giải nén ra, các bạn vào mục My compute-> document-> Imacros->macro-> Demo-macro rồi paste plugin vào.
Sau đó, các bạn kích vào biểu tường imacro rồi tùy chỉnh thông số cho macro
Vào Manage->settings để tùy chỉnh thông số
B4: Sau khi tùy chỉnh xong các bạn tiến hành chạy tool như hình
Nhớ ấn vào Play(Loop) để chạy tự động lặp lại

Hướng dẫn sử dụng tool auto click PTC All1tool

Download tool All1tool tại đây :  Download
Sau khi download về các bạn cũng giải nén ra và kích vào All1tool như bên dưới:
Sau khi mở lên 1 cửa sổ yêu cầu đăng nhập sau:
Sau khi đăng nhập bạn sẽ vào được giao diện 
Nếu add site vào các bạn chọn New ở bên dưới, 2 cửa sổ hiện ra
rồi paste link site ptc vào nhập đầy đủ thông tin như username, pass, min pay. nếu các bạn chưa biết site đó thuốc dạng Script Type nào thì các bạn hãy ấn vào Detect -> chọn OK
Một list các bạn chỉ add tối đa 11 site.Hết 11 site đó các bạn tạo thêm lits mới rồi add tiếp.
Sau khi add xong hết các site các bạn ấn play (hình tam giác) để auto.Ban đầu thì nhiều site bắt nhập capcha nên các bạn cần phải nhập vào.Nếu site nào không chạy được thì các bạn kích vào link site rồi tích vào hoặc bỏ tích ở mục Store cookie.Ok,xong tool thứ 2 rồi nhé
Tổng hợp:
- Tool Multiclicker2: 
+ Ưu điểm: là free,giao diện,sử dụng đơn giản.
Nhược điểm: plugin bị die nhiều nên các bạn cần tìm hiểu về cách viết plugin cho site của mình chơi
- Tool All1tool :
+ Ưu điểm: chơi được nhiều site,chất lượng tool tốt 
+ Nhược điểm: các bạn phải bỏ tiền ra để mua tài khoản đăng nhập cho tool bằng thẻ cào,PM,PZ

Hướng dẫn sử dụng phần mềm tool auto click PTC Multiclicker 2-Dereezed 2

Để chạy được auto này máy tính các bạn cần phải cài đặt java runtime tại đây : Download
Sau khi down Multiclicker2 về các bạn giải nén rồi mở lên, vào mục plug-in copy tất cả các file cho vào mục site , tiếp theo kích vào multiclicker2-win.exe
Giao diện sau khi mở lên nó có dạng này
Các bạn ấn chon Add-> ở mục bên phải có chứa các site mà chúng ta đã copy ban đầu, các bạn chọn hết tất cả (Crtl+A)->Sau khi chọn xong các bạn chuyển sang mục Login details rồi nhập username và password mà các bạn đăng kí site ban đầu.->ấn OK+Start
Đây là giao diện đang chạy của tool
Ok, thế là xong tool Multiclicker2 rồi nhé.Các bạn lên mạng tìm thêm các plugin của các site kiếm tiền về rồi copy vào mục site là được.

How to Make Money Online with CPA/PPD

Have you been experimenting with Internet Marketing, but to no avail? That's not a problem. Our game offers over 100 step-by-step methods to make a significant amount of cash. Anybody can do it, there are literally no requirements. No knowledge of website building is needed, there are no purchases necessary, and you are guaranteed to make money online. The guide will mostly cover CPA (Cost Per Action) and PPD (Pay Per Download) networks. You will learn how to join these networks, how to drive traffic to them, and how to convert your traffic into leads. Each lead can be anywhere from $.10 to $100 in your pocket. With these methods, you WILL make money. There is such a broad range of marketing tactics included in this guide, meaning that saturation of methods is impossible. If you are looking to make money online, you have definitely come to the right place. Simply download the Ultimate CPA Guide and start making money online now.
Website : surveyegg.com  and www.getcashforsurveys.com

How to make money fast online

1. Make Money Online Filling Out Surveys
Fill Out Surveys: Sign up with one or more of the many survey companies easily found on the Internet and select the type of survey(s) which will suit you best. The forms of these surveys on products and/or are quite easy to fill out and they can earn you good extra money.
2. Make Money Online Selling on eBay
Sell on eBay: Tens of thousands of people are spending good amounts of cash on eBay each and every day of the year and sellers are making substantial amounts of money. There is no reason why you too should not take a bite out of this moneymaking online opportunity.
Obtaining a seller’s account at eBay is free, quick and easy and I suggest you practice their auction system by selling your own personal items which you no longer need or want.
3. Make Money Online Blogging
Blog: When they are set up effectively, monetized blogs can generate impressive incomes over time and to create them merely requires a minimal expense and some of your time and effort.
Serious bloggers who want to retain full control use their own domains but you can also utilize free hosting sites such as Blogger or WordPress.
4. Make Money Online Trading Binary Options
Trade Binary Options: Becoming a trader of binary options which are simply financial contracts requires no prior experience, just intuition to predict whether commodities such as gold, silver, international monetary exchange rates, etc. will go up or down in the immediate future.
Correct predictions in the trading binary options game can earn huge amounts of money very quickly.
5. Make Money Online with Websites
Create Websites: With rather small upfront investments for domain names and webhosting services, you can build and publish websites that can serve as your online storefronts for any number of great moneymaking techniques such as affiliate marketing, selling your own products, AdSense ads, etc.
Today’s Internet provides numerous easy and free platforms like WordPress for building, publishing and maintaining websites that rank well, drive search engine traffic that converts into sales that make good money.
6. Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing: As an affiliate marketer, you will direct buyers from your promotional website to vendors who will pay you commission for each completed sales transaction. It’s as simple as that and can be extremely lucrative.
All you need to do is join the right affiliate program, create your sales page and watch the money roll in.
7. Make Money Online with Facebook
Facebook: Being the most popular social media that’s becoming more and more fashionable all the time, tens or even hundreds of thousands of individuals from around the world are using Facebook each and every day. Thus it has become a very effective platform for making money online.
The process is quick, easy and fun. Simply sign up, create your Facebook page and start the networking process by branding yourself, your skills and your products / services.
8. Make Money Online by Website Flipping
Website Flipping: You can sharpen your skills and make good online money by building, developing and publishing websites and then selling them for profit. To ensure that the websites you intend to flip or sell have the following desirable attributes:
• High Google page rankings
• Attract substantial search engine traffic

• Visual appeal
• Consistently generate money via AdSense, affiliate links, paid memberships, paid ads, etc.

9. Make Money Online by Writing Content
Writing Content: Every website needs written content, informational or tutorial, and many site owners and/or webmasters either don’t know how to write or are afraid of the process. This opens up terrific opportunities for making money online by writing content for sites (websites and blogs) as well as eBooks, e-Magazines, e-Manuals, e-Newsletters, etc.
The downside to writing for the web is that it’s usually ghostwriting which means that credit will not be given. The upside, however, is that there is good money to be made directly or through classified ads and Craigslist as well as through services such as provided by vWorker and Elance.
10. How to Make Money Online with Google AdSense
Google AdSense: AdSense is an online money generating system that works on autopilot once it has been set up on a website or blog and has been known to bring in impressive profits.
It is a system whose membership is free and it pops in ads which are relevant to the content of the given site. Each time a visitor to your site clicks on one of the ads, you effortlessly earn some money.
11. Make Money Online by Promoting & Selling eBooks
Promoting & Selling eBooks: Today’s Internet is filled with countless eBooks on every topic imaginable and in every niche market. Since creators / writers of these eBooks are continually looking for help promoting and selling them, you can make terrific online money by becoming their affiliate marketer.
Of course, you can also write your own informational or tutorial eBooks and proceed to promote and sell them yourself. In this case the profits will be all yours as a posed to merely settling for commission.
12. Make Money Online with ClickBank
ClickBank: Having been named as America’s No. 1 affiliate network, ClickBank is the largest and most comprehensive online marketplace through which affiliate marketers can promote other developers’ digital products and vendors can sell digital information products that they’ve created themselves.
Listing tens of thousands of products, serving more than 200 countries around the world and providing incredible administrative services; ClickBank is the perfect venue for making money online.
13. Make Money Online via CPA Offers
CPA Offers: Gaining popularity all the time, CPA (Cost Per Action) is a way of making money online without actually selling anything. Add a CPA offer on you website and each time a visitor clicks on its link and proceeds by following directions to enter their name, email address, zip code, etc. you get paid.
Signing up as a CPA marketer is extremely easy and setting up the system on your site is completely intuitive.
14. Make Money Online by Trading Forex
Trading Forex: Much like buying and selling of stocks and bonds in the stock market, trading Forex is buying and selling foreign currencies for profit.
Although prior experience in trading is a definite plus, trading Forex is not at all hard to learn and the earning can be tremendous. I would highly recommend for newbies to start out with fake demo accounts and practice, practice, practice.
15. Make Money Online with Twitter
Twitter: Second only to Facebook in its scope within the social media environment, Twitter is a venue through which tens of thousands of members “tweet” communities consisting of families, friends, neighbors, associates, colleagues, etc. And much like Facebook, Twitter offers terrific opportunities for earning money online.
The key to cashing in through this platform is to compile a large list of contacts with whom trustworthy relationships are formed and cultivated overtime.
16. Make Money Online through Network Marketing or MLM
Network Marketing or MLM: Marketing researchers predict that network marketing or multi-level marketing (MLM) will be the fastest growing industry of the foreseeable future and the possibilities are nearly limitless. As a matter of fact, that is how wealthy individuals like Donald Trump and Tony Robbins have started out and you could too.
However, network marketing or MLM will require that you take time to learn the ropes and then be willing to invest the energy and hard work that is required for success in this highly profitable arena.
17. Make Money Online through Informational Membership Sites.
Informational Membership Sites: Unlike most website that want to attract as many visitors as possible, membership sites allow access only to those individuals who have opted in or signed up to become paid members.
Select an interesting topic and provide worthwhile information, and your membership database will continue to grow and the proceeds will flow straight into your pockets.
18. Make Money Online by Writing for Other Bloggers
Writing for Other Bloggers: The Internet has many online companies which are constantly searching for writers for their blogs and a good example would be Creative Weblogging. Likewise, there are companies such as Pay U 2 Blog that would be willing to pay you for writing on your own blog.
Depending on how much time and effort you are willing and able to invest, you can opt for both options and you can sign up with multiple companies. How much online money you will be making is entirely up to you.
19. Make Money Online by Bringing Offline Products to the Web
Bring Offline Product to the Web: Becoming a sales agent for a company that sells products which have not yet been introduced to the net is a great way to make money online because the competition has not yet formed.
Perform your due diligence, launch a great promotional website around such products and sell to your heart’s content because you will have no rivals who might snatch your customers away.
20. How to Make Money Online by Becoming a Virtual Assistant
Become a Virtual Assistant: If you have marketable skills such as administrative, accounting, bookkeeping, editing, translating, proofreading, etc. and you own a computer that has a good Internet connection and a working telephone; there is no reason why you could not earn great online money by working from the comfort of your own home.
With telephone services, online and cell phone messaging and emails you could be communicating and transferring project back and forth with individuals and/or companies all over the world.
21. Make Money Online by Selling Custom Animal ID Tags
Sell Custom Animal ID Tags: As long as there will be pet ownership and there is no danger of that ever decreasing, ID tags for cats and dogs will continue to be in high demand.
Create a highly professional SEO website that effectively promotes animal ID tags, set up an online payments system, sign up with appropriate manufacturers and watch the money rolling in as the sales increase.
22. Make Money Online by Building Custom Search Engines
Build a Custom Search Engine: Google is known throughout the World Wide Web as being quite literally an untouchable search engine that is too big and powerful to compete against.
Today’s reality is that competing against Google is indeed futile. However, creating a search engine that delivers that which Google or the other large search engines such as Yahoo and Bing fail to deliver might carve a very profitable niche for a savvy Internet marketer.
23. How to Make Money Online by Establishing Virtual Forum Communities
Establish a Virtual Forum Community: Setting up online forums adds more value to existing websites to increase search engine page rankings, provides resourceful communities to increase traffic of visitors who are eager to return frequently and adds more options for monetizing.
The best news about establishing forum communities is the fact that it is a totally underutilized market and will, therefore, have little to no competition and audiences of Internet browsers will be flocking to it.
Thanks for reading !

How to make money + 2000$ per month with Neobux

Part 1: Getting Started
If you have not already signed up for NeoBux, click on any of the NeoBux banners within the guide or sign up here.
What is NeoBux?
NeoBux is a PTC (Paid TClick) service where members earn a small amount of money for viewing ads. It is 100% legitimate and NeoBux is possibly the #1 premier PTC site on the internet. Advertisers on NeoBux are fully aware that members are being paid to view the ads, so it is a fair system to all.
How do I earn money with NeoBux?
There are three basic streams of income from NeoBux:
+  Income from your personal actions on the site (viewing ads, doing mini-jobs, etc)
+  Commissions paid to you from RRs (Rented Referrals) - explained later in Part 3.
+  Commissions paid to you from DRs (Direct Referrals) - explained later in Part 4.
How much money can I make?
If you are willing to put a small amount of time each day, and you follow this guide, you should be able to make well over $1,000 per month spending less than 30 minutes each day. Some users make several thousand dollars per month with the same time commitment. It will not happen overnight, but with some diligence, this is certainly an achievable goal already reached by many of the NeoBux veterans.
How do I get started?

If you have not already signed up for NeoBux, click on any of the NeoBux banners within the guide or sign up here

NOTE: There is only a very slim chance that I (the author of this NeoBux strategy guide) will get you as a DR. This NeoBux strategy guide is not only educational, but also a tool I developed to help all NeoBux users get FREE Direct NeoBux Referrals. You will be able to participate as well, as I will explain later in 
Something to think about... if you have 200 DRs but they are uneducated about NeoBux and quit, you won't make money from them! My goal is to help you acquire ACTIVE NeoBux referrals so that you make more money. Typically, educated referrals are active referrals!
After you have signed up, continue to Part 2. 
Part 2: The first to weeks

In my opinion, the first two weeks are "make it or break it" with NeoBux users. Sadly, a lack of education will cause many to leave, but you are in the right place to avoid missing out on this great opportunity.
During the first 15 days, you are not eligible for DRs, so do not focus on that at all. Your ONLY focus should be:
+  Getting into the daily routine of viewing the ads assigned to you
+  Earning your first $0.60 so you can begin the referral rental process
It is critical that you view EVERY ad assigned to you during this period so that you can remove the limits from your account and be eligible for DRs as soon as possible. You need to be a member for 15 days and have 100 ad views to remove the limit.
TIP: View ads by logging in and clicking the "View Advertisements" button at the top of your page.
TIP: NeoBux has notifier toolbars for various internet browsers. They are not AdWare. They simply tell you your balance and when new ads are available.
You are not going to earn much money during the first two weeks, that's a fact Jack.
15 days * approx. $0.04 / day = $0.60 ... Trivial as it may seem, $0.60 is your 1st goal. 
Goal#1 - Earn $0.60
TIP: If you are able to complete mini jobs, you can reach Goal #1 within a day or two!
If you are interested in a small jump start and have even just a few dollars to invest into your new NeoBux business, there are instructions in Part #3. However, the 15 day requirement before you are eligible for DRs will still take (you guessed it) 15 days. 
Part 3: Renting Your First Referrals
Congratulations, you just graduated from Kindergarten! It's a big deal to make it through the first 15 days. A lot of people quit before this point... and guess what, this is where the fun begins! You're gonna do just fine!
Once you have at least $0.60 in your NeoBux account (even if the 15 days are not up yet), you have enough to rent 3 referrals. As mentioned above, you can "jump start" your business by investing a few dollars of your own and begin renting Neobux referrals sooner.
Before you do, read this:

+  According to the TOS: "If you click at least 4 advertisements being a Standard / Pioneer member or you click at least 9 advertisements being a Golden member, you'll receive all clicks made from your referrals."
In other words, if you do not click the 4 required advertisements, you won't earn money for your referrals for that day!
TIP: The required ads are the "Standard Exposures" [Green] and "Fixed Advertisements" [Yellow/Gold] ... though you should always view every ad available anyway.
Goal #2 - Rent 3 referrals by clicking the "Referrals" button on your account home page.
Goal #3 - Turn on "AutoPay" within the Referrals->Rented menu. 

(From the original guide I found)
"Referrals cost 0.30 a month to maintain. Instead of paying for the referral, they will pay themselves as long as autopay is on. You get one penny less from each referral, but they will be your referral as long as they are active. As a standard, you receive 0.005 per click from each RR."
I prefer Autopay = Enabled because each day your referrals are active, they pay for themselves to be extended. This way, you do not need to worry about how much money to reserve for re-rental. Autopay is a must!
TIP: There is a discount applied when using Autopay as well, yet another good reason to use it!
Assuming your 3 rented referrals stay active, you will earn the following:
3 RR * 4 RR-clicks at $0.005 each = $0.06 / day
Clicking ads assigned to you, still approx $0.04 / day
For a total of $0.10 / day.
+  Within one more week you can rent 3 more referrals, and be earning $0.16 / day
+  The following week you will have enough to rent 5 more referrals (now you will have 11 RRs) for a total of $0.26 / day.
+  The week after that, you will have enough to rent 10 more referrals (now you will have 21 RRs) for a total of $0.46 / day.
+  At the end of the 4th week from when you rented your first RRs, you will have enough to rent 19 more referrals (now you will have 40 RRs) for a total of $0.84 / day.
+  And so on...
TIP: If a rented referral is inactive for 14 days, it will be replaced with a new one for free! (As you build your business, the 14 days can actually be lowered to 7 days)
Continue viewing your assigned advertisements each day so that you can earn your rented referral income, and when you save up enough money to rent more referrals, get them! The more rented referrals you have, the more you will make. I recommend choosing a day of the week for rentals, and on that day rent as many as the funds in your NeoBux account can afford.
Goal #4 - Continue until acquire 300 rented referrals
Yes, It will take some time, but remember, you are building a business and passive income with just a small time commitment each day! It goes pretty fast since renting referrals increases your income, and increased income allows you to rent more referrals. Can you say "snowball effect?"
TIP: 300 RRs * 4 RR-clicks at $0.005 per click = $6/day ... It will take about two weeks to save up $90 for Part 5 .
Once you have 300 referrals, stop renting and save up $90 in your NeoBux account. I will explain this more in Part 5. 
New! Part 4: Submit your referral link at www.neobuxreferrals.org and get Free DRs
There are many ways to acquire DRs... YouTube, Facebook, word of mouth, forum signatures, AdWords, and a list of places towards the end of the guide! These are all valid and I encourage you to use any marketing skills that you have to promote your NeoBux business. New! Check out the new How to get Neobux Direct Referrals guide! It is filled with great info about how to get direct referrals.
This guide can be a powerful tool for you to get free direct NeoBux referrals without spending money or much time getting them! Not only that, but NeoBux referrals that sign up using the guide are more likely to understand how to use NeoBux properly... this will make you more money and help them be successful as well. It's a win-win!
Everyone who submits their link will get traffic to the NeobuxStrategy.org guide with their referral ID in it, and sponsors get a lot more without even promoting!

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You should do this as soon as your account is eligible for DRs!
TIP: There is a lot of focus on rented referrals, but the people who make really good money make direct referrals a priority as well.
Neobuxreferrals.org is a co-op where free members will have their NeoBux referral link included in this guide! It's a simple program and does not require registration.
Once you add your link to the guide, your should promote the guide with your Neobux Referral ID... http://www.neobuxstrategy.org/r=NEOBUX_ID. The guide banners will show your link (but you have to submit your link to the co-op first for it to work... they do this to make sure that only active Neobux users get referred traffic.
Rather than promoting just a referral link, now you can promote a proven money making strategy that will bring you good quality referrals. I use DownlineRefs.com to promote the guide as people on that site are looking for someting like this.
Part 5: " We Are Sparta"
 Now that you have 300 referrals, stop renting and save up $90 so that you can upgrade to Golden. Once you go Gold, you will double up your income nearly instantly since the payouts are 2x - 10x for your clicks and referral clicks!
Goal #6 - Upgrade your account to Gold
Here is your income before Golden:
300 RRs * 4 RR-clicks at $0.005 per click = $6.00 per day (plus DR-clicks and your personal clicks)
Here is your income after you go Golden:
300 RRs * 4 RR-clicks at $0.01 per click = $12.00 per day (plus DR-clicks and your personal clicks)
Once you've gone golden, begin renting referrals again. It's tempting to cash out, but you really want to get to the maximum number of RRs and DRs so that you earn as much as possible.
Goal #7 - Build your RRs to 2000.
Resume your rental process and acquire 2,000 RRs. This will not take too terribly long since by now you should be earning over $300 per month.
2000 RRs * 4 RR-clicks at $0.01 per RR-click = $80/DAY (plus your DR-clicks and your personal clicks!).
TIP: When you go Golden, you will have to view 9 ads per day instead of 4!
TIP: Check out some of the "Golden Packs" to gain more benefits from being Golden.
At this point you are a true Spartan of NeoBux! Once you have saved enough to buy golden packs, do it so you can rent more RRs and gain more benefits. By now, you will already be laughing all the way to the bank so enjoy your new side job!
Part 6: Where to Share

What are some good types of places to share the guide?
New! Check out the new How to get Neobux Direct Referrals guide! It is filled with great info about how to get direct referrals. 
There are a lot of places you can promote your Neobux Strategy Guide link, or really any money making tool or site.
I am going to recommend TWO places. If you sign up for me under these links, I will use the referral credits to promote the guide, co-op, and sponsored ads, etc.
+  AdHitProfits.com - When you purchase a directory listing for $45, you will earn about $56 back for it as a part of their awesome profit sharing system. Literally, you can get paid to promote your ideas!
+ The second place is the new advertsing service I am launching Mid-June 2013. Make Money Online How?. It is a new and clever approach to co-op advertising that also will allow you to earn moneyresidually for promoting your currently used programs and tools, or new ones!
Thanks for reading!
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